२०७७ कार्तिक २५, मंगलवार १५:४४

त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय (त्रिवि)ले नोवेल कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड–१९) बाट स्थगित परीक्षा २८ मंसिरदेखि सुरू गर्ने भएको छ । विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि अध्ययन संस्थान, व्यवस्थापन संकाय र शिक्षा संकायतर्फको चार वर्षे बीएस्सी, बीबीएस र बीएड चौथो वर्षका नियमित तथा आंशिक परीक्षा सञ्चालन गर्न लागिएको त्रिवि, परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालयले जनाएको छ ।

त्रिविका अनुसार स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा मापदण्ड अपनाएर बिहान ८ देखि ११ बजेसम्म परीक्षा सञ्चालन गर्न लागिएको हो । चौथो वर्षको फर्म छुटेका विद्यार्थीले दोब्बर दस्तुर तिरेर ८ मंसिरभित्र फर्म भरिसक्नु पर्ने परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालयले जानकारी दिएको छ । त्रिविले १४ पुसमा सबै परीक्षा सकिने गरी तालिका सार्वजनिक गरेको हो ।

परीक्षा तालिकाः

4 Year’s B.Sc. IV Year

DateSubjects/Code No.
2077/08/28Code No.401; Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology
2077/08/30Code No.402; Mathematics
2077/09/02Code No.403; Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology: (Regular -Engineering Hydrology, Back –  Climate Change) Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology
2077/09/04Code No.404; Mathematics
2077/09/06Code No.407;Interdisciplinary:  Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology
2077/09/08Code No.405; Applied Science:  Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology : (Regular – Atmospheric Pollution Climate Change, Back -Applied Hydrology) Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology
2077/09/11Code No.408; Computational Course
2077/09/13Code No.408; Math. (Mathematical Eco.)
2077/09/14Code No. 409; Mathematical Modeling

4Year’s B.B.S.IV Year

DateSubjects/Code No.
2077/08/29MGT-220 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
2077/09/01MGT-221 Business Research Methods
2077/09/03ACC-250 Accounting for Banking FIN- 250 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance MKT- 250 Fundamentals of SellingMGT- 250. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
2077/09/05ACC-251Accounting for Business FIN- 251 Commercial Bank Management MKT -251 Customer Relationship Management MGT- 251 International Business
2077/09/07ACC-252Advanced Financial Accounting FIN- 252 Foundations of Financial Institutions and Market MKT 252 Foreign Trade and Export Management in Nepal MGT- 252 Management of Industrial Relations
2077/09/09ACC-253Advanced Auditing FIN -253. Fundamentals of Investment MKT -253 Fundamentals of Advertising MGT- 253 Productivity Management
2077/09/12ACC-254 Budgeting and Controlling of Profit FIN- 254 Insurance and Risk Management MKT- 254 Fundamentals of Services Marketing MGT -254 Quality Management

4 Year’s B. Ed. IV Year

DateSubjects/Code No.
2077/08/28Compulsory Subjects / Code No. Ed. 442 (Classroom Instruction) / Ed.443 ICT in Edu./ Hist.Ed.444(ICT in Hist.Edu.)/ Math. Ed.444(ICT in Math.Edu.) / Sc. Ed.444(ICT in Science Edu.)
2077/08/30Major Subjects/ Code No. 445 Nep. Ed. (अनुसन्धान विधि _ / Eng. Ed.( Research Methodology in Eng. Edu.)/ Math. Ed. (Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis) / Sc. Ed. (Chemistry IV) / HP. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)/ Pop. Ed. (Fundamentals of Ageing)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. Of Environment, Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.)/ Eco. Ed. (Managerial Eco. & Research in Eco.Edu.) / Hist. Ed. (Dawn of Democracy in Nepal (1950 to 2006) Pol. Sc. Ed. (Human Rights & Social Justice) /Ed. PM.(School Mgmt. Practices)
2077/09/02Major Subjects CodeNo.446 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed.(Literature for Language Development )/ Math. Ed. (Adv. Calculus)/ Sc. Ed.(Physics IV) / HP. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work &Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geographic Techniques) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Hist. Ed. Research Methodology in Hist.& Hist. Writing / Pol. Sc. Ed. (Election Politics in Nepal) / Ed. PM. (Social Justice Edu.)
2077/09/04Minor Subjects CodeNo.449 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed. (Literature for Language Development ) / Math. Ed. (Algebra) / Sc. Ed. (Animal Science IV)/ P. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work & Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. of Environment Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Pol. Sc. Ed.(Election Politics of Nepal) / Ed.PM (School Mgmt. Practices)
2077/09/06Minor Subjects /Code No. 448 Sc. Ed. (Plant Science IV) / H. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)


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